Humidity and temperature meter
Humidity 0%~100%RH
Temperature:–20℃~80℃( -4℉~176℉,)
Dew point Temperature (-20 ℃~80 ℃/-4 ℉~176 ℉)
Wet Bulb Temperature:( 0 ℃~80 ℃/32℉~176℉)
Humidity Accuracy :+ 3%RH (at 25℃ , 20%~80% RH ).+ 2.5%RH(at other ranges)
Air Temperature Accuracy+ 0.5℃/+ 0.9℉(at 25℃) + 0.8℃/+ 1.5℉(all other ranges)
Resolution :0.01% RH, 0.01℃/0.01℉.
Response Time:%RH:10S (90% at +25 ℃still air)
12.Backlight and Max Hold,Auto Power off ( Disable sleep mode)and Data Hold Function
HT-86 Humidity and temperature meter
SKU: T018032